What are the benefits of choosing to do your internet marketing in-house?

For a lot of businesses, the choice to have an in-house internet marketing team can be extremely difficult. In many cases it comes down to a question of whether you can find local talent that is willing to work for what you can pay them. There are way too many self-proclaimed internet marketing “gurus,” and many have no substance to their strategies. In fact, most internet marketers are better at tactical marketing than they are at strategy. To assemble the best in-house internet marketing team, you first need a great strategist.

When your looking for a strategist, try to determine their preemptive ability. Before Penguin 1.0 rolled, out there were a select few who recognized that the traditional (and spammy) methods of link building wouldn’t work for long. If internet marketers could tell what types of links were spammy, Google could too. Preemptive internet marketing strategists saw the signs of this update and changed their strategies before it rolled out.